Thursday, May 31, 2007

We're Here!

The summer staff arrived in Harmons on Monday, May 28th. This year, we have 6 summer staffers - Phil Stroessner, (our only returner) from the University of Missouri, Rachel Schomaker from the University of Missouri, Jonathan DiBenedetto from Geneva College, David Cover from the University of Missouri, Christopher DiVietro from Allegheny College, and myself, Lacy Donaldson, also from the University of Missouri. Colt Baxter, from the University of Missouri, will be joining us for the last half of the summer. Our short few days together have given us proof that this summer will be incredible.

Last weekend we spent 3 days at a camp outside Kansas City, on a retreat to prepare ourselves for the summer. We were fortunate to have Jim Newberry (Youth Pastor at Christ Community Church in Leawood, KS) lead us through the weekend and get us mentally and spiritually geared up for what lies ahead. We spent the weekend in solitude with God, studying John 15, reading several books, and doing some fun, team-building activities to grow closer to one another. This retreat was a huge help and really got us as ready as we could have been for this summer.

Now that we are here, things have gotten a little more real. We have spent the past few days getting the Harmony House ready, planning things for the summer, figuring out our individual jobs, and preparing for our first team that comes on Monday, June 4th! Although we are already here, most of us still face this feeling of the unknown. We are eager to know what life will be like here in Harmons once the ball gets rolling. We are excited to feel at home here. For me, this feeling of the unknown is a very unique place that God can use our vulnerability to mold us, shape us, teach us, and get us ready for this incredible adventure!

Be sure to check out our videocast on the right!!!

One love,
